My brain is cluttered. The thought struck me on my way home from work, and I think it is alarmingly true. Facts, ideas, and concepts sit helter-skelter on the shelves of my mind, and I when I think, it is more an avalanche of clutter, unconnected information than a systematic operation. (The exception would be if I am thinking about spreadsheets, math, science, soccer or some combination thereof). I generally do not think in an orderly fashion. In fact, I rarely actually think, because thinking requires my mind to “sit still,” something that is a great difficulty for me, both physically and mentally. But stillness is a spiritual discipline worth cultivating, so I have decided to pursue it with all of the energy that… prevents me from sitting still.
Anyway, this blog is my attempt to de-clutter my mind. Instead of allowing my mind to bounce down yet another rabbit trail to nowhere, I will attempt to pause and focus on a single idea, concept, or thought and develop it. I desire to glorify God with my thoughts, and it is my prayer that learning to think in an orderly way will do that!