Sunday, October 30, 2011


Have you ever read something that perfectly expresses the jumbled thoughts and feelings that you haven’t been able to articulate?

I read a prayer in The Valley of Vision a few days ago that resonated so deeply it left me speechless, even thought-less for a few moments. 

Even as I read it now I am convicted and humbled. It exposes the sin in my heart that I hadn't seen. It reminds me of the beauty of grace and the solid hope of the Gospel.

I pray that God will use these mere human words to stir your soul.  

O Living God,
I  bless Thee
      that I see the worst of my heart as well as the best of it,
      that I can sorrow for those sins that carry me from Thee,
      that it is Thy deep and dear mercy to threaten punishment 
      so that I may return, pray, live.
My sin is to look on my faults and be discouraged,
   or to look on my good and be puffed up.
I fall short of thy glory every day by spending
     hours unprofitably,
   by thinking that the things I do are good,
     when they are not done to Thy end,
     nor spring from the rules of Thy Word.
My sin is to fear what never will be;
I forget to submit to Thy will, and fail to be quiet there.
But Scripture teaches me that Thy active will
   reveals a steadfast purpose on my behalf,
   and this quietens my soul,
   and makes me love Thee.
Keep me always in the understanding
   that saints mourn more for sin than other men,
   for when they see how great is Thy wrath against sin,
   and how Christ’s death alone pacifies that wrath,
   that makes them mourn the more.
Help me to see that although I am in the wilderness
   it is not all briars and barrenness.
I have bread from heaven, streams from the rock,
   light by day, fire by night,
   Thy dwelling place and Thy mercy seat.
I am sometimes discouraged by the way,
   but though winding and trying it is safe and short;
Death dismays me, but my great high priest
   stands in its waters,
   and will open me a passage,
   and beyond is a better country.
While I live let my life be exemplary,
When I die may my end be peace.